Contaminated Horse Feed

Fat Soluble Vitamin A for Horses
July 15, 2011
Stamina Plus’s Equine Flex Plus controlling mosquito bites
July 17, 2011

Horse owners have to check their horse’s feed daily to make sure there is no contamination in the feed that could cause an illness in their horses. Today in the Stamina Plus’s research facility I found two such contaminates.

The first was a dead animal that was in a new bale of hay. This dead animal was decomposing and most likely there was Botulism Toxins in the hay. The Botulism Toxins could very well have caused death in any horse that I fed the hay too.

The second contaminate was green mold in the bottom of an oats container that houses oats for the horses. Green mold can cause colic in horses that can lead to a twisted intestine. Therefore it is important to watch grain containers to make sure there is no mold, especially towards the bottom of the container.

It is important to watch all storage areas of horses feed daily too make sure a contaminate does not get fed to your horse.

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