Sand Colic is an area that Stamina Plus has had extensive research in, starting 25 years ago. Stamina Plus designed Fiber Plus to address the problem of sand buildup in the horses’ colon. The original research was carried out in research horses and titrated to show how much sand cold be removed daily with different doses. During the last 25 years this product has worked miracles both in prevention and treatment of sand colic.
This research showed that I could remove from 35 GMS to 125 GMS of sand a day from the horses’ intestine. Normally clinical signs of sand colic will not show up until 10 pounds of sand has accumulated in the intestine and therefore the reason that prevention is so important.
The recommended prevention is 2 scoops of Fiber Plus per day for 5 days every month. There are situations where the pens have so much sand or gravel in them that daily doses of Fiber Plus are recommended. In severe cases of sand build up and colic I have given 6 scoops per day for 7 days to remove the sand. The Stamina Plus Fiber Plus is extremely safe with no side effects and is used daily in the research facility in Cody, Wyoming.