Sand Colic can be difficult to diagnose

DR Digital X Ray Equipment
June 14, 2012
Equine Nutrition Research Continues at Stamina Plus
September 12, 2012

This year has been extremely dry in many parts of the country. The dry year and wind have left many pens and paddocks with only sand and gravel left on the ground.

Stamina Plus continues to research its Fiber Plus both for prevention and treatment. The label states that horse owners should administer Fiber Plus for 5 days out of every month.

Due to the weather the pens at the Research Facility are extremely sandy mixed with gravel. Therefore I have decided to feed the Fiber Plus every day to every horse at one scoop per day.

There has been no sand colic in the horses that received the Fiber Plus every day. Therefore for prevention Fiber Plus can be fed every day with do side effects.

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