Equine Research Into Vitamin E Levels

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Stamina Plus has finished up a research project into which form an Equine supplement comes in and new requirements for Vitamin E for the Equine Industry.

This research shows that if a crumble is used for an Equine supplement that the horses like the supplement better and there is no variation in micro nutrition level intakes as in a meal. This means that in each 3 ounces the horse gets the correct levels of all micro levels of vitamins and trace minerals that they need.

This research also proved that today’s horses require more Vitamin levels than previously thought.

Therefore Stamina Plus Equine Supplement now comes in a crumble with the new added levels of vitamin E to keep horses healthy and in top performance.


1 Comment

  1. Anna says:

    Does the equine block contain all the minerals/vitamins and have the same effect as the Stamina Plus Equine crumbles supplement?