Foals are born with trace minerals stored in their liver from the Trace Minerals feed to the pregnant mare. Trace Minerals are very important for the normal growth of the bones in foals. At weaning the liver of the foal is now depleted of Trace Minerals because very little Trace Minerals are absorbed from the milk of the mare. Therefore it is common to see Epiphysitis and other bone pathologies at weaning time. It is extremely important to start the weaned foal on a good supplement at weaning but not feed to much grain. Hay is important and needs 16% protein. Stamina Plus has spent 40 years developing and testing for these deficiencies. If you feed 2 ½ ounces of Stamina Plus Equine Supplement plus, ½ pound of oats (to start with) and Hay you will meet the complete Micro-Nutrition requirement of weaned foals.