Equine Sand Colic may be insidious and difficult to diagnose. The horse does not develop Colic from sand or dirt until 5 to 20 pounds of sand or dirt accumulates in the colon. Sand can be very irritating to the intestinal tract. Stamina Plus had developed Equine Fiber Plus to help prevent and treat sand colic. The problem arises in how much sand or dirt is the horse eating. Stamina Plus Fiber Plus does remove sand and dirt if fed monthly at 4 scoops per day for 7 days. But how much sand or dirt is the horse eating in between treatments. Recently I had a clinical case where the horse was eating large amounts of sand and developed colic. To treat this horse it took 4 scoops twice daily for 7 days to completely remove all of the sand. The take home message is we do not know how much sand or dirt horses are eating and at times it takes a larger volume of Stamina Plus Fiber Plus to remove all of the sand or dirt.