Stamina Plus has researched leg problems in young growing horses for the past 30 years. Trace Minerals are important nutrients for normal bone and cartilage growth. The research has shown that besides adequate Trace Minerals the ratio’s between Trace Minerals is even more important. The Trace Minerals that the pregnant mare receives are transferred to the her gestating foal and stored in its liver. The foal will be born with all the Trace Minerals that it will get till weaning. The reason for this is that Trace Minerals do not transfer from the mare in her milk. When foals are born with leg problems they have not received those critical Trace Minerals during gestation. Now, because their are no Trace Minerals transferred in the mares milk, the challenge is to get the foal eating Stamina Plus Supplement as soon as possible. If the mare received adequate Trace Minerals during gestation the foal still only has enough Trace Minerals for correct bone growth till about 4 months of age. That is the reason that we see Epiphysitis at the time of weaning. Stamina Plus has seen and studied these bone growth issues in its Research Facility and in clinical cases. In all such conditions Stamina Plus Complete Supplement has corrected the problems.