Spring has finally come to the Rockies. Blankets Are coming off the horses and the true condition of our Equine friends is now seen.
It is now time to administer their spring vaccinations. There are now two companies that have included West Nile with their 5 Way. So now in one vaccination you can protect your horse for Tetnus, Sleeping Sickness, Flu, Rhino and West Nile. The two companies are Schering/Intervet and Boehringer Ingelheim. This would be a good basic vaccination for your horses. Ask your Veterinarian about these new vaccines and what other vaccines they would recommend for your area.
Spring is also the time to De-Worm your horses before they are turned out to pasture. By removing the worms and potential to shed eggs you remove the potential to contaminate the pastures this spring. There are many De-Wormers on the market and it is a good idea to talk with your Veterinarian about which products are working best in your area. The exact product depends on your location, weather patterns and amount of horses on your pastures. Remember any new horse should be quarantined for thirty days and De-Wormed twice before placing on your pasture.
The winter may have been hard on your horses and in many areas the winter weather was extreme. Now is a good time to re-balance your horses Nutrition. By balancing the Vitamins, Trace Minerals, and Macro Minerals you re-energize your horses Immune System, Heart, Muscles, Hair, Nervous System and in general bring them back to Nutritional Balance. This will be important to get them back to the level of performance you want as quickly as possible. This can be done by feeding a complete supplement such as Stamina Plus Equine Supplement. Stamina Plus will bring your horse back to Nutritional Balance in as short as two weeks.