
May 13, 2021

Stamina Plus new research for Equine Supplement mini-pellets

  Stamina Plus has finished the research into adding Probiotics to the Stamina Plus Equine Supplement mini-pellet.  This combines the required nutrients from the Stamina Plus […]
August 16, 2020

Do Horses need Grain

There are three basic times that horses need grain; to help bring them in from pasture, to maintain weight and third to help them eat their […]
August 5, 2020

Electrolytes and Hot Weather

Horses start to lose electrolytes in hot weather, exercise and stress (traveling long distance). So we all know that as in humans, horses need extra electrolytes […]
August 5, 2020

Feeding Horses is the Hardest thing I do

Why is feeding horses the hardest thing I do?  In the research center, if I am home, I feed all the horses at least twice a […]