
April 18, 2012

Spring Equine Vaccinations and De-Worming

Spring is finally here and it is time to vaccinate and de-worm your horses, but what product should you use? The pharmaceutical companies have done a […]
March 25, 2012

Swine PRRS –Can Feed Contribute to Infection

Swine PRRS has been a problem for many years costing the Swine Industry Millions of Dollars. There has long been a controversy if Swine By Products […]
March 25, 2012

Best Way to Treat Calf Scours

This is the time of year that Ranchers struggle with calf scours and it is extremely important to stop the scours as fast as possible. Stamina […]
February 24, 2012

Equine Botulism-Contaminated Feed and Dead Animals

Botulism is caused by a bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria is closely related to the bacteria that causes Tetanus in horses. Clostridium botulinum is a normal […]